Friday, August 20, 2004


The title tells it all. What is reincarnation and does it really exist? Well, I do not have to answer the first question as you all know it. This is the basis of the Karma theory in at least Hinduism. many of you do not believe that such a thing as reincarnation exists. But there are evidences and a team of scientists are studying this and ofcourse there is also a team trying to prove against it.
The scientists proving this theory have gone to Sri Lanka where they found a girl who described her household surroundings and especially her death in great detail right from the time she has been able to talk. This was later verified when the scientist and her parents posted an advertisement in the newspaper to which a family hundreds of miles away. When she visited them she moved around the house as if she had been living there all along her life. She recognised her previous birth parents instantly.
In another case a young boy was believed he was his grandfather, who had died years before his birth, reborn. He talked about his mother's nickname which only her father used to call. He remembered events which happened years before his birth and was not talked about after that.
To disprove this scientists claim that it is just imaginations of the child coinciding with the events. This was proved by a fact wherein a child was called and helped to make a story in which he claimed that a small girl wearing a pink dress with flowers design with brown hair and blue eyes ran away and later had died. On searching through the newspapers a similar story was found with the same details.
Therefore, the question of reincarnation still exists.
As usual, I thank you all for your patience and please feel free to comment. This statement has become more of my signature.


Anonymous said...

As from the laws of Physics, new energy cannot be created in this universe or existing energy cannot be destroyed. The energy can chnage from one form to another(eg, mechanical energy can convert into electric energy). But the energy is same above all, it just changes its form. Similarly I believe life(rather I say ATMA, the word which represents self) can neither be created nor destroyed. So if a living thing dies, where the atma should go. It has to take some other form. This is called reincarnation.

Anonymous said...


Okay, this has been through a lots of wrangling in both media and science though never in the forefront. These instances have been well documented and common enough to disprove the "imagination" theory.

However, at the same time, most of our science, (Indian Sage Science), works mostly by observation. Even if we don't have any concrete explantion on why it exists; there is bound to be some reason on why such a thing would happen.

Possibly the first step would be to take cognizance of the fact that such events do occur; and maybe that we are reincarnated over births leading to acknowledgement of the theory of Karma !