Saturday, July 30, 2005


Desire according to the dictionary implies "To wish for or long for, want". This is something I think that evry living creature having some basic intelligent will have. Unfortunately, I do not know whether I can say the same thing for amoeba, bacteria etc. Lets restrict our discussion to the homosapiens.
I can safely assume that all of us have desires. Good or bad is immaterial to our discussion. There is also a lot of philosophy asking us to give up all worldly desires to attain Moksha. But what about the non-worldly desires? Let me explain what I mean.
We as normal mortals have a lot of materialistic desires such as wealth, health, love, lust etc. On the other hand we have saints who have given up these worldly desires and live thinking only of the almighty and helping others lead a disciplined and fuitful life. Does this mean they have no desires? Well, it is not so (atleast to my knowledge). They desire to attain Moksha, be freed from the cycle of birth and death, to attain a place in the kingdom of the Almighty, to attain the ultimate knowledge (the meaning of Life).
Therefore, no one on earth is devoid of desires. No one can escape it be it worldly or altruistic or non-worldly.

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