Saturday, November 14, 2009

Grandeur vs Simplicity

Does Grandeur convey beauty or is Simplicity synonymous with beauty? Ever thought about this. Most often than not grandeur seems gaudy. Whereas simplicity is most often confused with cheap.
In my opinion, simplicity takes the cake. Take anything for example, in automobiles very few are not impressed with the design of Audi, Benz, Bentley etc, even though none of their car designs are over the top. They have simple clean lines. Similarly if you take coding, the most elegant code is that which is simple to read and not the obfuscated code such as that which is mandated by C++, C or Objective C and hence the rise of 3GL like Java, .Net and now more recently, Groovy, Python and Perl.
Most often than not Grandeur always conveys arrogance, high-handedness,... We can add more such demeaning adjectives.
At the same time, in the simplicity we should not act cheap. There is a very fine line and we should be careful not to step over to the other side. Also, simplicity does not always mean spending less.

1 comment:

Uma said...

Read your blog after ages. This one seems a very sincere effort. Liked the thought!