Friday, February 11, 2005

Number One

Have you ever heard people saying "Winning or being number one is not important but participation is"? If this is true then why do we strive so hard to be at the top, to be better than others? Why is it that we never give any attention to the competitors but more on the winners?
I have seen quite a few interviews of moviestars, sports persons who say that they do not believe in the number game. Then why are they always aiming to win awards or titles . It seems so very hipocratic.
My say on this is that there is nothing other than the number game and eveybody wants to be number one. The only difference is the hardwork, dedication, sincerety and integrity they show in whatever they do. I have no hesiation in accepting the fact that I want to be number one. If I have to be a thief then I will strive to be the number one thief who can access any safe and still elude the police.My belief is that if you strive to be number one the you may reach atleast a position wherein you will considered a worthy opponent by your competitors.
But do not ask me whether I am number one in anything as the answer is quite obvious. It is a big NO. But hopefully, one day I will reach the top spot in something and I hope that day comes earlier than later.
As usual please feel free to comment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely true Venix. All I can say about a person stating that he dosen't believe in number game is that he hasn't got the guts to say (in an open interview) that he is aiming to be No 1, though he personally strives to be.